Battlefield 2042’s Season 4 will begin next week, featuring some all-new unlockables and more

Battlefield 2042 Season 4: Eleventh Hour is about to bring in bigger, better, gameplay mechanics, improvements, a new Specialist, Battle Pass, weapons, and plenty more for Battlefield fans to enjoy next week.

Since our review of Battlefield 2042, we’ve been steadily surprised by each and every update the title has received. It’s a game that went from significantly struggling in many aspects, to a game that has become playable, enjoyable even, as well as the title fans had been hoping for. Battlefield 2042 Season 4: Eleventh Hour, is aimed to release on February 28th, 2023 on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.

The new update will feature the Season 4 Battle Pass, a new map, Specialist, weapons, vehicle, and more, including 100 new tiers of Battle Pass content for fans to blast, ride, and tactically maneuver their way through with every fresh encounter they experience. The Free tier of the Season 4 Battle Pass will also have something for non-paying fans to enjoy as well.

Season 4 will take fans to an entirely new region as they travel to South Africa where they will battle head-to-head against one another in a new map called Flashpoint. The map will allow players to explore rocky landscapes as they take to various vehicles, bunker down in ample interior spaces as well as the mountainous terrain when they aren’t battling it out in an underground tunnel.

The newest Specialist in the game will see players take advantage of her reconnaissance training and customized tactical gear as they move through the landscape without alerting motion-based technologies to her whereabouts.Camila “Blasco” will use her X6-Infiltration Device to prevent enemy lock-on as well as making herself harder to spot thanks to her creating dead zones and pinpointing where enemy tech is and whether it is active or not.

Players can also enjoy some CQC with the Super 500 Shotgun Sidearm, which is a super compact weapon that will see them taking to super tight quarters and using it to breach enemy lines. There’s also the new RM68 which is an adaptable assault weapon with a built-in silencer, which will allow them to find less recoil and improved stability due to the counter-weighting of the silencer. There’s also the new AC9 SMG, which will allow players to live their run-and-gun dreams as they push through enemy lines.

But, what’s the fun and glory when it’s just a new Specialist and weapons, right? Well for those of you who love your vehicles, prepare to enjoy the CAV-Brawler. The CAV-Brawler is great for spawning friendlies behind enemy lines whether the vehicle is full or not. With it being a maneuverable IFV type vehicle, it does have its own defense systems, which include active threat detection and a close range defense system that allows it to blind enemy threats while friendly forces deploy.

The update will also feature a rather in-depth class system change to the games Specialists as they are organized into distinct categories based upon what they specialize in. This includes Assault, Engineer, Recon, and Support. The system will also redefine gear in a rather structured way so that players can tune their playstyle to their liking. Players will also see a reworked version of the Discarded map later in Season 4 that will include improved sightlines, visibility improvements, better control points, and much more. EA has revealed they will be covering this in more depth in the next Development Update.

About the Writer(s):


Dustin is our native video game reviewer who has an appetite for anything that crosses the borders from across the big pond. His interest in JRPG’s, Anime, Handheld Gaming, and Pizza is insatiable. You can find him over on Twitter or Facebook today.

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