Capcom Announces New Features for Umbrella Corps.

Resident Evil has become a staple point in the gaming industry, but also has become a franchise that will turn heads with new games. Today Capcom has confirmed that new features will be getting introduced to Umbrella Corps such as the Antarctic Base from Resident Evil Code: Veronica and also a new a new mutation to the game titled the “Mutated Zombie” starting on the games release on June 21st, 2016.


Just like in the title “Resident Evil Code: Veronica”, the base has remained heavily destroyed after the events of Claire’s ongoing fight to live through there. The base itself will offer vertically expansion gameplay as players will take place across three floors while encountering thrilling fast-paced combat in a deadly game of “hide-and-seek”. While the t-virus has remained rampant within the base, there has been time for these new “Mutated Zombies” that will be experienced through the games “Experiment Mode” of Antarctic Base and the Multi-Mission Mode’s SP DNA  Hunter ruleset. This includes advanced states of mutation and highlights the many versions of the virus spanning from both T-Virus or C-Virus while making the enemies blood thirsty. Harder than normal to defeat some of them will also be immune to the Zombie Jammer allowing them to also make their own kind immune to the Jammer.

Also being added into the shooting mayhem are the special “Mutated Zombies” that can be found in the single player Experiment Mode’s Antarctic Base map and in the Multi-Mission Mode’s SP DNA Hunter ruleset. Featuring advanced states of mutation, there are many viruses spreading across the infected zones in Umbrella Corps and it’s unclear whether the T-virus or C-virus is responsible for these blood thirsty enemies. Harder to defeat than normal zombies, not only are they unaffected by the Zombie Jammer, but they are also able to render the Zombie Jammer temporarily ineffective against other creatures near the player.

Umbrella Corps is a new fast-paced third person shooter set in the iconic Resident Evil universe. The competitive online game will feature quick, intense matches in compact battle zones themed from historic  Resident Evil environments. The game utilizes the Unity engine developed by Unity Technologies.  Umbrella Corps  will be available digitally for an MSRP of $29.99 / €29.99 / £24.99 on PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and PC across North America and Europe on June 21, 2016.

About the Writer:


Dustin is our native console gamer, PlayStation and Nintendo reviewer who has an appetite for anything that crosses the boarders from across the big pond. His interest in JRPG’s, Anime, Handheld Gaming, and Pizza is insatiable. His elitist attitude gives him direction, want, and a need for the hardest difficulties in games, which is fun to watch, and hilarity at its finest. You can find him over on TwitterGoogle+, and or you can find him on PSN with RaivynLyken.

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