Citizens of Earth Pushed to November

Citizens Earth Gets a New Election Month!
  Originally Published on the Official Blast Away the Game Review Facebook Page
 Written by Dustin Murphy

If you are like me, this game looks like it’s going to be amazing! Playing in a JRPG world as the Vice President of Earth who needs their help! Unfortunately, due to him having spent some of his funding, we have to wait an extra month, but fear not! His election is on its way and we will be able to experience it for 14.99 USD and will be available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, and PC. For those wondering, the countdown is coming to an end! Will you be able to stop the Vice President from his leisurely activities since he is seemingly relaxing as we await his appearance on our handheld and home consoles?

 For those who were a bit bummed about the delay, don’t feel down! The game will feature a 30+ hour campaign that plays like a classic JRPG, in both the world and play style! So get ready, prepare those consoles or handhelds, and get prepared for the most entertaining election of your life! 


 Stay tuned for our upcoming review this Holiday Season!

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